"In Expectation Of Punishment"
(LP album)

1. Праздник осенней луны. [Holiday of the autumn moon.] – 15:37 | sample |
2. Предчувствие гнева. [Anger presentiment.] – 9:39 | sample |
3. Твои руки подобны огню. [Your hands are similar to fire.] – 18:19 | sample |
4. Пусть стихнут фанфары. [Fanfares let will abate.] – 9:54 | sample |
5. Не проси о прощении. [Do not ask about a pardon.] – 5:44 | sample |

lyric in rus | lyric in eng

/full promo tracks listen on official myspace band page/

style : atmospheric & melodious funeral dark doom
Album edit in 100 copies on doom metal label GRIS Records / Ukraine /
[order in the publisher, or at his distributors]

"Remembering And Loving"
(free internet-promo Ep)

1. Holiday of the autumn moon – 15:37
2. Your hands are similar to fire – 18:19

style : atmospheric funeral dark doom

"Living Beside"
(LP demo album)

1. Пробуждение от сна. [Awakening from dream.] - 10:34
2. Встречающие Солнце. [Meeting the Sun.] - 05:59
3. Тайные Озера. [Secret lakes.] - 07:44
4. Тени, скрытые в лесах. [Shadow latent in Woods.] - 12:42
5. Дремлющие во льдах. [Sleeping in Ice.] - 06:45
6. Уходящим в ночь. [Leaving in Night.] - 09:32
7. Финальная. [Final.] - 04:24

style : atmosphere funerary doom
Promo edition in 100 copies on doom metal label GRIS Records / Ukraine /
[order in the publisher, or at his distributors]

"The Torn String"
(LP demo album)

1. Вступление : её величие. [Introductions : her greatness.] - 05:40
2. Последний шанс : время еще есть. [The lost chance : time still is.] - 08:12
3. Под нами и над нами : непостижимое. [Under us and above us : incomprehensible.] - 07:58
4. Они соединят Землю и Небо. [They will connect Ground and Sky.] - 10:24
5. Удаляясь от Матери. [Leaving from the Mother.] - 07:12
6. В Пустоту. [In emptiness.] - 02:20
7. Оплакивая нас. [Mourning Us.] - 10:08
8. Явление. [The phenomenon [with the request for life / v.2].] - 06:54
9. Финал : порванная нить. [Final : the torn string.] - 02:22

style : atmosphere ambient funerary doom
Promo edition in 99 copies on doom metal label BOYANOV GIMN Publishing / Ukraine /
[order in the publisher, or at his distributors]

"Going to the End"
(EP demo material)

1. Танец Огня и Льда. [Dance of Fire and Ice.] - 07:29 [re-record with new sound]
2. И Вечности ей будет мало. [And Eternity to her will be unsufficiently.] - 10:20 [re-record with new sound]
3. Идущие к Концу [Going to the End / Funeral of the Man - intro] - 04:00
4. Похороны человека. - тема [Funeral of the Man - theme] - 10:47 [re-record with new sound]
5. +бонус - Мои Черные Крылья (сингл) [+bonus - My Black Wings (single)] - 09:55

style : ambient funerary doom
EP edition in 200 copies on doom metal label SATANARSA Records / Russia /
[order in the publisher, or at his distributors]

"Under Roots"
(demo album)

1. Вступление. [The introduction.] - 03:45
2. Сквозь лед и ветер. [Through ice and wind.] - 05:38
3. Перерождение. [Regeneration.] - 05:20
4. Между днем и ночью. [Between day and night.] - 12:22
5. Предрасветная. [Before dawn.] - 04:47
6. В горах и выше. [In mountains and is higher.] - 05:41
7. Под корнями. [Under roots.] - 09:36
8. Уходящее в ночь. [Leaving in night.] - 05:55
9. Финал. [The ending.] - 03:06

style : atmosphere dark ambient doom
Album 2008, re-edit in 2011, 100 copies on tape on label DEPRESSIVE ILLUSIONS Records / Ukraine /
[order in the publisher, or at his distributors]

"Funeral of the Man"

1. Танец Огня и Льда. [Dance of Fire and Ice.] - 07:28
2. И Вечности ей будет мало. [And Eternity to her will be unsufficiently.] - 10:18
3. Похороны человека. [Funeral of the Man.] - 13:25
4. Движущееся из глубин. [Driven from depths.] - 10:36
5. Нет запада, нет востока - Холод. [No west`s, no east`s - Cold.] - 08:46

style : ambient funerary doom
Not published...

"Earth As Cosmos"
(demo EP)

1. Пробуждение. [Awakening.] - 09:29
2. Земля как Космос. [Earth as Cosmos.] - 18:02
3. С просьбой о жизни. [With the request for life.] - 11:28

style : ritual ambient doom
Not published...
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